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Solving Low Confidence Issues for L1 Agents

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Solving Low Confidence Issues for L1 Agents

Kayako Does Not Generate AI Response? Learn How to Solve Low Confidence Issues!


The confidence score in Kayako allows you to fine-tune how your bot interprets user messages. Whenever a user types a message, Kayako analyzes its accuracy and pairs it with the most relevant interaction. This accuracy is quantified as a matching score—the higher the score, the better the match.

How Confidence Scores Work

The confidence score settings influence both Keywords and Machine Learning matching systems. It acts as a threshold to determine the minimum acceptable matching score needed to trigger a bot response. If the matching score falls below this threshold,  Kayako has lower confidence in its reply.

By setting the confidence score correctly, you can ensure a smooth and effortless chatting experience for your users.

How to Optimize Confidence Scores

  1. Understand The Language: Analyze common phrases and keywords used to improve the matching accuracy.
  2. Monitor and Refine: Continuously monitor the bot’s performance and make adjustments to the confidence score as needed.
  3. FAQ and Knowledge Base Refinement: Regularly update and refine your FAQ and knowledge base to ensure the bot has access to the most accurate and up-to-date information.

By fine-tuning the confidence score, you can enhance the accuracy of your bot’s responses and provide a seamless user experience.

Related Post:  How Kayako's AI Technology Works

Watch our tutorial video to see how you can adjust the confidence score settings in Kayako and start delivering better support today! Start your free trial here.