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Rock Your Support: Tips, Secrets & Advice from Top Support Pros

Rock Your Support: Tips, Secrets & Advice from Top Support Pros

We didn’t know quite what to expect when we set out late last year to approach a handful of support pros with an open, potentially clichéd question:

“What is the most important thing you’ve learned in customer service?”

What we were asking seemed so glaringly basic that we wondered if it was too boring to ask. Would anyone bother responding to such an obvious question? Would we just get a few clichéd answers back in our inbox? Would we get the same two or three responses?

But we dove in anyway. And as it turns out, there was no better question to pose to the customer support community. With 16 unique, thoughtful and reflective answers, these reps go above and beyond to prove that it really was a question worth asking.

As you flip through this book, you’ll see that every support rep in this book has a deep personal connection to the customers they serve and what their work means both to them personally and to their company. And the funny thing is, many of these personal stories and experiences do boil down to the same thing. Though it may work differently in execution, it goes to show how our support pros are all guided by a universal set of principles.

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No matter how you interact with customer support – whether you’re a fellow support rep, entrepreneur, manager or even a customer – we hope this is a source of inspiration of the value support reps bring to their companies. If you’re a fellow support rep, it should be proof that you’re in good company.

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