Search Results: phone

4 Tips on Effectively Managing Remote Teams

This is a guest post from our friends over at Project Manager. Peter Landau will share his best pracitces on managing a remote team. Work has grown too big for a cubicle. More people are making their office their home, coffee shops or shared co-working spaces. This new paradigm creates new problems managers have to solve…

What vCommerce Brands Get Right About Customer Experience

Could your company be blamed for a failed essay? Warby Parker had better hope not. My @WarbyParker home try on package is arriving tomorrow and I am so excited I can’t focus on my essay — Brandon (@TheBrandonPFrye) February 22, 2017 Warby Parker are just one of many brands in the fast-growing vCommerce space who…

Why Exceeding Customer Expectations Can Make or Break a Business

Identifying the service our customers want can be like trying to hit a clay-pigeon. We want to do our best to deliver the best support to our customers. But your customer and their desires can be moving targets. Outside forces such as interactions with other businesses and feedback from friends and family influence the service we…

NPS: Achieving Brand Loyalty by Closing the Feedback Loop

This is a guest post from our friends at Typeform. Paul Campillo will show you the value of choosing NPS as your next customer feedback questionnaire. Every company wants loyal customers. Sure, sales are great, but nothing beats sales from repeat customers. That’s the goal of every business. Not a gazillion “maybe” fans, but diehard fans…

How Kayako’s APIs Help You Get Better at Customer Service

One of the biggest challenges many companies are facing in today’s world is developing their services to work across all the different platforms their customers are using, from Androids, iPhones, websites, social networks etc. To help with these challenges, and to reduce development costs, while improving the experience for your customers too, you need to…

Customer Service Trends 2017: An Effortless Customer Experience is Vital for Loyalty

“In the old world, you devoted 30% of your time to building a great service and 70% of your time to shouting about it. In the new world, that inverts.” – Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon Customers expect top-notch service, with no patience or loyalty for companies that don’t provide it. They can easily search…

8 Virtual Team Activities to Build Remote Relationships

Being a remote worker need not be boring. Hang on! Wait… what? If you’re at home all day plugging away on the computer, how can it be fun? For someone in a fully remote team, at least you have the comfort of knowing all of your colleagues are also working from a home. But if…

What Does Your Support Tone of Voice Say About Your Company Culture?

This is a guest post from our friends over at Recruiterbox. Sarah Caminiti will share why tone of voice in your communication with customers is important, and how it can be used as a unique hiring tool. How do you come across to your customers? Are you received as being professional and reassuring? One of…

Knowledge Management Is the Key to Self Service Success

With more and more research supporting the notion that people prefer to help themselves rather than reach out to support, delivering exceptional self-service has become mission-critical. That means gathering up the answers to your customers’ questions and putting them in easy reach. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Step one is marshaling your organizational…

The History of Customer Service: Ticket Troubleshooting to Proactive and Personal

Can you imagine a world where customer service was over physical mail? You sit down at your typewriter, write out a wordy letter, send it into the head office that’s located halfway across the country, and wait a few weeks for a reply? Or, go further back in time: you purchase an item from an…

Empower Your Team With A Customer Service Philosophy

Customer service is incredibly important to any business. So important, even, that by 2020, it’s projected that customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. So it’s safe to say that customer service is important. But how do you ensure your brand delivers happiness like some of the industry’s leading lights such as…

How Working Split Shifts Builds Closer Global Relationships

How many times have you finished off the last bite of your lunch and wished that there was either more food, or you had more time to spend? For people in support, the emotional implications of our work can carry through even when we are not on the clock—for some of us, that may show…